The main road in and out of Corfe Castle in Dorset is to be closed overnight to repair potholes and improve the surface of the carriageway, meaning an early night of staying in for most residents and visitors.
The closure of East Street is scheduled from 8 pm on Wednesday 3rd May to 5 am on Thursday 4th May 2023 during a busy week for tourists, sandwiched between two bank holiday weekends.

East Street in Corfe Castle will be closed from the junction with Kingston Hill Street
Overnight closure of route in and out of village
The road is to be closed between the junction with Studland Road to the north of the village and the junction with Kingston Hill Street to the south of the village.
For those living in Swanage, Langton Matravers and Harmans Cross, drivers will have to avoid Corfe Castle altogether and take the Studland Road, bypassing Corfe Castle and then rejoining the main road just before Norden.
With no alternative route in and out of Corfe Castle for those living or staying in the village, people are being urged to drive home before 8 pm if they can. The alternative may be to stay out all night!

The road will be closed from the junction with Studland Road, meaning that vehicles heading to Swanage will be able to by pass the roadworks via the Studland Road
Access for emergency vehicles and the number 40 bus
Emergency vehicles and the Purbeck Breezer number 40 bus will be allowed through.
Morebus said:
“We have special permission to continue to use the road while it is shut for all other users. There may be a slight delay while waiting for barriers to be moved etc.”
Dorset Council says that for those who really need access in or out of the village overnight between 8pm and 5 am, the highways contractor will organise a route through the road works but this may mean a delay of 10 to 20 minutes depending on what work is taking place at the time.

The Square and West Street will be resurfaced overnight in the following week
Second week of disruption
There will be more road works in Corfe Castle in the following week from Tuesday 9th May to Thursday 11th May 2023. The Square and West Street will be closed for two nights between 8 pm and 6 am but will be open daily.
On the first night, the road surface will be removed and on the second night resurfaced. During the closure periods there will be no on-street parking available and any vehicle left on the road risks being towed away.
Again, if residents really need access when the road is closed, people are being asked to ring the telephone number that will be displayed on nearby road signs to alert one of the highways staff. They will then be escorted through the road works, when it is safe to do so.

The infamous tight corner through Corfe Castle, where the carriageway will get a new surface dressing
“An early life intervention”
A spokesperson from Dorset Council said:
“This is part of our annual road maintenance programme when roads in the area are given an early life intervention to keep them in good condition.
“Road preservation is a preventative treatment which stops water ingress and surface deterioration. It is the most cost-effective way to maintain roads.
“Work is taking place at night to keep disruption to a minimum.”