To the delight of the Swanage Community Defibrillator Partnership, the defib and trauma pack that went missing just before Christmas 2021, has now been returned.
On Sunday 6th March 2022, the lifesaving kit costing more than £1,000 was handed in to a member of the local ambulance trust.

The cabinet, that was found empty at the Swanage Sea Rowing Club
Removed from the locked cabinet
Last December, a regular check revealed that a first aid bag and a defibrillator – a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart of someone who is in cardiac arrest – had been removed from the locked cabinet outside Swanage Sea Rowing Club near Prince Albert Gardens.
Despite appeals for its return, it wasn’t found and the incident had to be reported to the police.

The defib is located close to the beach and Prince Albert Gardens
“It’s restored my faith in the human race”
Ian Brown from the Swanage Community Defibrillator Partnership and Swanage Coastguard station officer said:
“It’s fabulous to have it back – it’s restored my faith in the human race. I can’t emphasise how important it was to have it returned.
“We started off with four in Swanage many years ago and now there are 35, soon to be 36, so this kit is part of an important network of lifesaving equipment. We are very lucky as it has all been paid for by local fundraising and generous donations.”
After the disappearance of the defibrillator, Swanage and Purbeck Rotary stepped in and bought a replacement. The returned equipment will now be checked over and used as a spare.
Across Swanage, a defib is required at least once a week on average and once it has been used, it needs to be checked and the pads replaced, so can be out of action for a few days.

A network of defibs are available across the town including Swanage Railway Station
New defibrillator for North Beach
The 36th defibrillator is soon to be located near the beach huts at Swanage’s North Beach after an impressive fundraising event.
One of those raising money for the equipment, Roz Walters said:
“We’ve collected over and above our target of £800, raising more than £2,000. Businesses in Swanage have contributed some amazing prizes for our raffle and we’d really like to say thank you to all those who donated, along with those who bought tickets – your generosity means lives might be saved.”
Swanage Town Mayor, Avril Harris will be drawing the winning tickets at the Grand Hotel on Friday 18th March 2022.

A raffle has raised more than £2,000 to buy a new defibrillator for North Beach in Swanage
“We’re really grateful for all the fundraising support”
Ian Brown added:
“A need was identified as we didn’t have a defib that far along Swanage Bay. We’re really grateful for all the fundraising support and it’s brilliant that they’ve raised so much money.
“Along with the purchase of the equipment, the funds will also contribute towards the cost of its maintenance.”